The Kids Are Alright

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It’s such a simple concept. And one that everyone is taught to value as children. But, over time, entrenched (and much-prized) ‘rugged individualism’ has diminished its importance. 

For several years, I’ve been forecasting a return to the values of kindness and inclusion. Much of this change is being driven by emerging youth generations who seek to create a world where community and connection are the driving forces within our culture.

Generations Z and Alpha are re-defining the concept of influence by modeling the most basic of core values; ones that have been missing for years. They are leading a marked move away from apathy and toxic individualism towards a world where kindness and empathy are baseline behaviors.

Not that long ago, taking a stand for kindness and inclusivity would have resulted in instant exclusion. That this mindset has shifted so quickly is a testament to how quickly youth markets evolve.

Youth is not wasted on the young. The current - and future - youth generations are the most powerful and influential the world has ever known. For more than half a century, youth culture has been the driving force behind popular culture and today’s youth understand this nature of this power better than any previous generation. They understand that they already have the agency to shape the world.

Starting off this new year with Harry Styles’ joyous ‘Treat People with Kindness’ video is the dose of optimism we all need right now.


New Genesis

